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aniversário Informações & Notícias
  • 500 mensagens de aniversário para celebrar as pessoas queridas
    Para parabenizar pessoas queridas por seu dia mais que especial, confira AS MELHORES mensagens de aniversário que presenteiam com palavras carinhosas!
  • 57 Textos de Feliz Aniversário : Mensagens Repletas de Carinho!
    Textos de aniversário para diversas ocasiões selecionadas com muito carinho Confira abaixo! Envie essa mensagem para uma pessoa especial em sua vida É uma emoção gigante celebrar esse lindo dia ao seu lado, mais ainda é poder agradecer a Deus por ter uma pessoa especial como você em minha vida
  • 16 Ways to Say Happy Birthday in Brazilian Portuguese By A Native
    Similar to parabéns, you can say only feliz aniversário and call it a day Or, you can add your wishes to the birthday message as below: Feliz aniversário! Tudo de bom! (Happy birthday! I wish you all of the best!) Feliz aniversário! Muitas felicidades! (Happy birthday! I wish you lots of happiness!) Feliz aniversário! Muitos anos de vida
  • ANIVERSÁRIO definition | Cambridge Dictionary
    Você vem ao meu aniversário? Are you coming to my birthday party? (Translation of aniversário from the GLOBAL Portuguese–English Dictionary © 2018 K Dictionaries Ltd)
  • 5+ Best Ways To Say Happy Birthday In Portuguese
    The most common and direct way to say "Happy Birthday" in Portuguese is "Feliz Aniversário" (feh-LEEZ ah-nee-ver-SAH-ree-oh) While this literally translates to "Happy Anniversary," it's the standard phrase used for birthdays in both Brazilian and European Portuguese
  • Anniversary - Wikipedia
    Swedish celebrities including Miss Sweden Johanna Lind, Camilla Henemark, Alexandra Charles and Christina Schollin celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mae West at Berns in Stockholm in 1993 Memorial plaque presented by the National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission in Washington, D C , in 1951 An anniversary is the date on which an event took place or an institution was founded
  • Birthday - Wikipedia
    Birthday cakes are very commonplace in birthday celebrations Here, a Black Forest cake is adorned with candles and a topper indicating the recipient's 40th birthday A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, or figuratively of an institution The birthdays of people are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with birthday gifts, birthday cards, a birthday party, or a rite of
  • How To Say ‘Happy Birthday’ In Portuguese - Lingalot
    💡 As a quick summary, the most common ways to wish happy birthday in Portuguese are to say ‘Feliz aniversário’ or ‘Parabéns’ As well as wishing your loved one a happy birthday in Portuguese, you’ll also learn to sing the Portuguese version of the happy birthday song!
  • FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO - Translation in English - bab. la
    Find all translations of feliz aniversário in English like happy birthday, happy anniversary, happy birthday to you and many others
  • “Happy Birthday” in 100 Different Languages | YourDictionary
    Learn how to say "happy birthday" in different languages so you can express your birthday wishes to anyone on the planet

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